Wednesday, October 12, 2011

First Run of theTraining

At 0530 this morning I took to the streets in the dark, but dry and not yet cold air. 

I managed 3miles in 26minutes. Having felt very lethargic over the past couple of weeks, the run although toughwer than I thought it would be left me feeling better than before. 

The challenge now is to stay off the chocolate and crisps during for the rest of the week.

Planning to run again on Friday morning.

Ballot Success

So, I have been successful in gaining a ballot place in the London Marathon 2012. 

Time to decide which charity to run for, if any. Oh...... and the small matter of getting into shape. I'm going to need to ditch the chocolate and cakes. Admittedly I did my first half marathon in Windsor a couple of weeks ago but I only just manged that. It's time to brave the dark mornings and start running .....